Currently we no longer host these Zoom Q&A's.  We may start them up in the future. 

List of questions

Zoom Q&A Audio

01 Zoom Bible Q&A
00:01:44 - What will Christ judge at the judgment seat of Christ?
00:23:15 - Could you expound on 1 Tim. 4:1-3? How could one still be saved but depart from the faith?
00:39:00 - Is the fire that try's our works, the word of God? Other questions about judgment seat of Christ?
00:58:40 - What is the correct timeline of Abraham to the Exodus?
01:11:20 - How do you know your dealing with a doubtful disputation? How do you deal with someone that has a doubtful disputation?
01:22:00 - When someone dies where do they go?

02 Zoom Bible Q&A
00:02:30 - Can you please explain 1 Corinthians 6:2-3? What does it mean we will judge angels?
00:17:20 - When it is appropriate to judge when Christ says not to judge?
00:27:40 - What is the thorn in Paul's flesh?
00:44:20 - When Jesus died what happened to the sins that were on Him and in Him?
00:56:55 - Does 1 Cor. 2:15 go hand-in-hand with 1 Cor. 6 regarding judgment?
01:16:40 - Questions about equity and equality
01:20:04 - What does it mean when Paul says to fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ?
01:33:55 - Questions about Christ's deity and the hypostatic union
01:41:45 - Can you explain Christ as our mediator and high priest in light of rightly dividing?

03 Zoom Bible Q&A
00:04:56 - If Jesus has the same flesh as Adam how can He pay for our sins?
00:16:15 - What is our fellowship with those living and deceased?
00:28:22 - What is the faith of Christ?
00:45:11 - Question about "the measure of faith"?
01:10:10 - I am having trouble with "forgiveness" can you help me?
01:25:00 - What is the outer darkness of Matthew 8:12, 22:13, 25:30?
01:51:40 - Can you get out of the outer darkness?
02:06:10 - After the Jerusalem council what was Peter's message to the circumcision?
02:23:30 - What is the messenger of Satan in 2 Corinthians 12?

04 Zoom Bible Q&A
00:03:45 - Questions about "praise and worship"?
00:49:45 - Does John 16:8 only apply to Israel or trans-dispensational?
01:02:25 - Does God use dreams in the dispensation of grace to convict and lead people to Christ?
01:14:40 - Will we know one another in the resurrection?
01:23:45 - Is the temple in Ezekiel the temple in the Millennium?
01:54:50 - Which nations will remain in the Millennium?
02:03:00 - Can you shed light on 1 Corinthians 16:3, "...quit you like men"?
02:10:30 - What is the light in Genesis 1:3?
02:17:50 - How do the two witnesses prophesy if the gifts have ceased? Revelation 11:3-7

05 Zoom Bible Q&A
00:05:30 - Is Melchisedec and Christ the same person? (Gen. 14; Heb. 5, 7)
00:22:15 - Can you give some further insight on "elect" and "election"?
00:45:20 - Do you teach anything sonship education and our role in the heavenly places?
01:16:50 - What are the sufferings of this present time?
01:25:15 - Questions about COVID, safety mandates, authority, and the Bible?
01:48:30 - What are the 1st and 2nd heaven? Will the body of Christ be raptured to the 3rd heave? What will happen to the 2nd heaven?

06 Zoom Bible Q&A
00:05:30 - How are equity and enabling different?
00:54:25 - How do you deal with political discussions when they take the place of the gospel?
01:09:00 - Is Romans 14 specifically speaking to believers?
01:16:45 - Questions about guardian angels?
01:28:35 - Is fighting physically for our national rights biblical?
01:39:30 - In Exodus 18:17-21 why is this government by Jethro, a Midianite?
01:54:00 - Discussion about race

07 Zoom Bible Q&A
00:03:50 - 2 Timothy 4:11 - Is this Luke the same Luke that wrote the book of Luke?
00:12:00 - Will Luke be part of the body of Christ or will Luke judge the twelve tribes of Israel?
00:17:20 - Philippians 2:27 - Were miracles, signs, and wonders in effect with Epaphroditus?
00:39:35 - I Thessalonians 4:13 - When Christ comes will there be two or three sounds?
00:48:30 - I Thessalonians 4:16 - Is the shout the trump or something else?
00:50:10 - John 4:7-10 - What is He saying and why did Jesus approach the Samaritan woman?
01:15:20 - Romans 11:11 - Are we still provoking Israel to jealousy?

08 Zoom Bible Q&A
00:01:05 - Romans 8:19, 21 - Are both verses referring to the same people? Verse 19 "sons of God" and verse 21 "the children of God."
00:16:00 - 1 Corinthians 7 - Marriage and divorce and remarriage
00:34:52 - 1 Corinthians 11 - Do we have a dress code?
00:53:00 - What is the difference between Preterist and Futurists?
01:02:15 - Further conversation about end times
01:09:35 - Will you address the issue of the Lord's Table, Supper, Communion?

09 Zoom Bible Q&A
00:00:45 - Are we to be "fasting" today?
00:14:50 - Can the creature make decisions regarding the weather?
00:55:50 - Do you think Genesis 3:5 is the first instance of looking to the creature instead of God?

10 Zoom Bible Q&A
00:00:50 - Where does A.D. 70 fit into the dispensation of the grace of God?
00:07:00 - Who's spirit now works in the children of disobedience?
00:16:10 - Does God control or work on the evil today and how?
00:34:25 - What does it mean that Satan blinds and how?
00:42:24 - Daniel 8:10 - Who is being spoken of here?
00:57:22 - Was Peter ministering at Corinth at the same time as Paul and if so was Peter only preaching to the Jews there?
01:16:09 - At the manifestation of the sons of God, is that just the body of Christ or all sons in God's realm?

11 Zoom Bible Q&A
00:00:45 - Matthew 5:11 - Does Paul teach something similar to this?
00:04:00 - Proverbs 3:32 - What is the secret God is referring to?
00:14:52 - Follow-up questions on Proverbs and Romans 12
00:30:25 - Questions about wisdom, justice, judgment, and equity in Proverbs?

12 Zoom Bible Q&A
00:00:47 - Romans 1:18 - What is sin?
00:05:50 - Is the law sin?

13 Zoom Bible Q&A
3:22 - 1 Thessalonians 4:16 - "Who is shouting?"
25:00 - James 2:14-26 - "Once you are justified by faith alone are your works counted toward reward?"
1:20:20 - 1 Timothy 6:3-5 - "How do we do deep study without forming our own doctrines?"

14 Zoom Bible Q&A
00:45 - Where will everyone be during the Millennial Kingdom? (Daniel 12:1)
27:15 - Was Lot being tempted with Sodomy? (2 Peter 2:9)
30:54 - What is Satan's role in tempting us? (James 1:13-15)
43:16 - What does it mean to revenge disobedience? (2 Corinthians 7:8, 10:1-6)
58:21 - What does reproving the works of darkness look like? (Ephesians 5:11)
1:08:05 - What happens to the sin nature in the Millennium?
1:29:35 - How do you explain to someone to follow Paul as he follows Christ? (1 Corinthians 11:1)
1:52:26 - When sharing right division what bullet points do you go through?